LEEUWIN 1963 Gold Coast 2005
Pommie Laundon forwarded these photos:
Those who attended this function
Checkers Aldridge* Barry and Kaye Andrew* Darby Ashton**
Fred Auty* Rick and Lea Avey* Kev Bock*
Wayne Boden* Max and Denny Borthwick` Wayne and Margaret Butterfield*
Dave and Dawn Cairns* Jim Carroll* Mal and Robyn Chatfield*
Don and Kathy Churchward* Trevor and Rhonda Clark* Jim and Liz Clegg*
Butch Cousins* Terry and Helen Dack** Russ and Joy Dale*
Jack Davey** Kim and Kay Daw* Lindon Dean*
Bongo and Joanne DiBetta**Ken and Lorraine Dobbie* Dick Dorham*
Marty and Lyn Edwards* Gareth Evans Glenn and Kate Forno*
Ross and Diane Fullarton* Mick Gallagher* Paul and Pam Gallagher*
John Grenfell* Ron and Bev Giveen*
Hector Hart** Geoff Harte* John and Lyn Hatchman*
Bill Hawkins Mike and Jill Hogan** Brian and Jan Hooper**
Tom and Val Houldsworth** Fred Howes** Terry Hume*
Ian and Wendy James** Tom and Carol Kinross* Noel Kropp and Wendy**
Max Lampo Dave and Phyllis Laundon* John and Terry Law* Dick Lewin*
Russ Loane* David and Linda Lowe* Magoo & Jenny Magnuson*
Gerrard McGuinness* John and Luba Miscamble* Phil Narramore and Tracy *
Annie and Gerry Oakley* Scott Pascoe Lambert and Kay Obst*
Allan and Carol Pike* Ray and Janis Poole* Barrie and Alice Quigley*
Dave and Gail Quinlan** Brian and Sandra Ramsay Mick and Kate Roberts**
Terry and Nellie Rogers* Kev and Shirley Rowland** Ian and Marian Schubert**
Alan Smith** Lew and Jo Smith** Dave Staines*
Bryan Stapley Gordon Stringer Dan Tiley
Reg Turnbull* Kev and Larraine Uttley Bill Vass**
Derek and Marilyn Whyte* Greg Williams** Doug Wilson*
Jim and Vicki Wilson* Vince and Irene Woodward**Pat Zegenhagen
Those that couldnt attend and forwarded their apologies:
Not coming
Les Allen John Amourous Brent Balchin
Les Barclay Nev Barry Nick Bryant
Jim Bush Dave Cargill Ron Carroll
Bob Cavanagh Wayne Chapman Stan Church
Dave Clifford Wally Cook Terry Coulthard
Peter Craker Gordon Davison Errol Delaney
Bluey Delahunty Grant Dernedde* Stu Dewar
Neil Duckworth Gordon Duncan Vic Dzodz
Trevor Elias Dennis Elliot Dave Ferguson
Ken Fielding Garry Freak Warren French*
Norm Friebe Ron Gall Tony Gawne
Darryl Genrich Darrel Girvan Wayne Godenzie
Brian Gorringe John Gray Tony Gysen
Michael Haining Eric Haggart Daryl Hannant
Dave Hanlon Jimmy Harris Pete Hartwell
Ted Hase Bill Hay Greg Henderson-Smith
Des Honess John Hume Guy Irwin
Chris Jamieson Pete Johnston Larry Kent
Rod King Jan Klich Rod Lamont
Gil Larsson Brissles Lassau Don Mann
Athol Marsh John McCormack Garry McGrath
Jock McGregor* Sandy Michels Don Muller
Ross Muller Russ Nelson Chris Neville
Darrell Nicholson John Nicholson Irish O’Leary
Bruce Oliver Peter Owen John Partington
Peewee Petherick Mick Pollock Ron Pope
Hoss Potter Ken Railton Doug Rasmussen
Ian Richards* Roy Rigg Mal Ritchie
Chris Rowland Merve Semfel Eddie Sheavils
Mike Shephard John Shinn Karl Slotboom*
Kev Smith John Stockings Bob Stupple
Glenn Summerhayes John Tant Selwyn Trott
Jeff Wake* Perry Whitehouse Allan Wilson
Ted Worcester Col Yench Tony Zajer
I though that I had better let you know that I am now unable to attend reunion. I commenced 12 months CFTS in Feb, and unfortunately the position I am filling in DCO requires me to be on standby 24/7. Pass my best wishes on to everyone. Will try to make next one (I presume there will be another one). Keep up the good work.
Russ Nelson
Thanks for all your hard work and updates. Regretfully I will not be able to attend this year’s reunion, my son is getting married in the UK on the same day and we will be over there.
Please convey my apologies to all those attending. I will raise a pint to them all.
Kind regards
Larry Kent
> Just a quick note to say I won't be at the reunion this year, Going to WA in May will have a quiet reunion with Rod Hazell and a visit to the place on the banks of the Swan in Fremantle. Then the visit to Tassie for the Hobart reunion in September. So something had to dip out,
> Regards Vic Dzodz regards to all on the Gold Coast.
I think I owe you an apology. I had thought that I had previously let you know that I would not be attending the reunion this year. All I can put it down to is old age and failing memory.
I hope everyone has a great time meeting and greeting old shipmates.
Give everyone my best regards.
I trust my health and condition will allow me to make the next one.
All the best
Greg Henderson-Smith (Hyphen)
Many thanks for all the e-mails and news
My wife (Sue) and I are retiring as managers of the Rose Bay Surf Club at the end of May so it would be appreciated if you could change my email address to dandselliott64@yahoo.com.au as of now. (I am more than happy in just receiving the email version of your news.)
Unfortunately we are unable to make the reunion this year due to moving and travel commitments but we wish you a very successful weekend.
Best wishes,
Dennis Elliott
I would really like to be able to join you all this year, but unfortunately I will be doing a round of pre-op tests before I get my new knee on the third of August. I forward all my best wishes to all those who will be attending, and trust they have a ripper of a time. Do you think you could pass on Tom & Carol Kinross's email address please?
Doug Rasmussen
Just to let you know that I will not be attending the reunion.
I hope you all have a great time and I do appreciate the newsletters.
Gordon Duncan
Hi, my forward diary tells me that I will be up in the Torres Strait area from mid July, doing some telecommunication deliveries & installs for Telstra.
Please apologise to all on my behalf, hope the weekend goes off well.
Rob Cavanagh
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the Gold Coast re-union.
Please pass my regards to all attending.
Cheers Wayne Godenzie
Thanks for the update on the next reunion, however I won’t be attending this year.
Pass on my best wishes to everyone and hope it all goes well.
Jim Bush
I am sorry to say but I will not be able to come to the reunion this year I hope my finances will be better next year and I can make it then.
Grant Dernedde
Sorry I wont be attending this year, as it turns out my missus had organised this do down in Nowra and I completely forgot about it, please have a great time, I will be looking forward to future reunions.
rgds Ken Fielding
No you haven’t as yet replied - but seeing as how I won't be attending the gathering on the Gold Coast, I would still be interested in the complement of the intakes, so I can keep up with who is still around, and where they live.
Pete Hartwell
Received your April 2005 Newsletter yesterday, sorry I have been slow at contacting you but I sorry to say I will be unable to attend the reunion in July. Hope you have a great weekend.
Stan Church
Have finally join the rest of the world and trying to learn how to use this thing.
Great to get the news letters and hear various things of what’s going on.
Sorry me and Carole cant attend reunion but strain on the hip pocket wont go that far.
Just a brief on my health, have major balance problems, got 80%DVA disability pension and gold card but still have to pay out $80.00 every 60 days to cover tablets for my problems, have 3 stents in the old ticker so don’t move around as fast.
Did manage to have 5 days in Chelsea RSL and catch up with some HMAS Sydney & Vietnam Vets during Anzac weekend.
Please pass on my regards to everyone at the reunion and hope one-day to make it.
Regards Ron & Carole Pope
G'day Folks
Sorry I have taken so long to get back to you Ron since your visit to hospital, which was much appreciated.
This is the first time I have spent anytime on the computer since surgery.
Still recovering slowly, most of the pain has gone, mostly uncomfortable eased by the occasional pain tablets, Getting about is a bit of a problem even sitting in the car for short distances get uncomfortable mainly from the bumps and vibrations up the back.
Faye has been doing a great job looking after me.
All your thoughts, prayers and phone calls have been much appreciated.
Hope you all have a great re-union at the Gold Coast and give everyone my regards and apologies.
Hope to see you all at the next one.
It is not until something like this happens that we realise how many people out their care about us from all walks of life.
Between you me and the others, I will not be going back to work, in the process of using up some sick leave and waiting for Veteran Affairs to make a decision.
Col and Liz Yench...
due to unforseen family commitments we will have to fore go the re-union this year, family get together in Tasmania at the end if July makes it impossible for us to be in two places at once
sorri col
I believe you inadvertently left me off the 'not coming' list, and put me on the 'please contact me ' list. This may be due to mismatch between your spelling 'Mick Sheppard' and my spelling 'Mike Shephard'. Unless, of course, their are two of us with similar names! In which case, the other feller is an imposter!
C ya
p.s. sorry I can't be there. I am scheduled to perform brain surgery on Rockerfeller that weekend! Probably just as well, as I don't have any 1900 ish dress (which you have requested we wear). The oldest clothes I have are circa 1995.
> A quick note to let you know I will not be attending this year's reunion.
> I do appreciate your newsletters - they are excellent.
> Kevin Smith
I have just received your latest newsletter and I must admit I do look forward to receiving them and seeing the names from the past.
As you know I am working in Defence in Canberra but I also coach a squad of swimmers that is pretty time consuming.
I am afraid again this year I have a swimming commitment with my squad of swimmers that weekend so I will not be attending.
Keep up the good work and the updates are well and truly appreciated.
Les Barclay
Please accept my apology as my wife and I am now unable to join everyone at the reunion. I am sure that everyone will have a wow of a time and I only wish that I could be there.
Regards to all
Dave Hanlon
Many thanks for the flow of information.
Gay and I are unable to attend the re-union, we'll be enjoying the delights of Singapore.
See you all at the next gathering
Tony Zajer
> Thanks for your newsletters but I will be unable to attend your function.
>> Regards
> Neil Duckworth>
Hi, suppose I should have done this some time ago but, but, but, sorry,
> yes I am still kicking and full on with family and relatives. I am not
> very sociable and tend to keep away from crowds so will not be seeing you
> this time around. .
> You have taken on a mammoth task and are obviously doing a very good job.
> Best of luck for a good show and turn out
> Gary.Freak>
> Many thanks for the newsletters, brings back some fond memories.
> I will not be able to attend the reunion this year, however will try to
> make the next one.
> Thanks again.
> Regards
> Trevor Elias
> 12 Hutchison Crescent
> Kambah, ACT 2902
Gday Mac, (John McCormack)
Thanks for your email. Sorry you can’t make it. Hope to see you when we have another.
Garry McGrath sent an email indicating he was not attending the reunion. ( I must have deleted it)
G'day Garry,
thanks for both of your e-mails. It will be a shame not to see you 'off caps' this time round. Will make up for it later.
It appears as if congratulations are in order for a promotion. If so, all the best mate, I am sure you deserve it.
That’s a pity, we are right in the middle of moving house – to the Gold Coast at that time so unfortunately MRU!
Look forward to catching up with you all next opportunity!
Cheers, and Jan’s and my sincere best wishes for a great occasion!
Ken Railton
PO Box 5225 West End Q 4101
Tel: 07 3844 7856
Mob: 0407 591 597
John Klich unable to attend reunion gold coast.
Unfortunately I am unable to attend the reunion.
Have a good time.
Stewart Dewar
Thank you for keeping me in the loop for the reunion. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the Gold Coast as I attending the National Scribes reunion in Adelaide in late September this year.
I have been a TPI for 3 years the main problems being PTSD and back problems. Had to give up work in 2002 after I fell in a hole. I was a Training & Development Coordinator for the Electric Rail division of the State Government Railway. I joined them after I paid off in 1975. I also went through a marriage breakdown after 33 years.
What’s happened since - I have met a lovely lady whose husband a LSSN passed away in 1998. We became engaged 18 months ago and just returned from Mauritius where we got married. Attached is a photo.
Why am I a 2 1/2 - I transferred into the Rockies as a LSWTR, got promoted to POWTR within 6 months then selected for Officers Course being promoted to SBLT RSSU in 1983. Did a long stint as a 2 ringer then finally picked up my half ring in 2000. Although still a member of the Rockies I do not do any active service.
I have read with interest the list of personnel. There are names I have not heard of since my Nakina II days at Leeuwin.
As I will not be able to attend the reunion I would like to support it by buying a polo shirt and a cap. I will send a cheque for $60.50 to your address.
I wish you guys all the best for the reunion and I will be thinking of you.
Jeff & Jennie Wake
Sorry for the late response but I have been leaving it as late as possible to see if I could manage getting there. Unfortunately, I will not be able to. Please keep up the good work and continue to keep me informed as to what is happening.
Daryl Hannant
I appreciate all hard work gone into organising the coming reunion. However due to family and work commitments will be unable to attend.
> I sincerely hope all goes well and a wonderful time is had by all.
> Please do not delete me from contact list.
> Kind regards
> Perry Whitehouse
Regret to advise that as I have a 12 week contract (Bloody WORK ) to complete and it involves 6 days a week I will not be able to attend .
Have a great time and all the best
Gil & Lyn Larsson
Sorry about the late notice, but due to an unexpected family commitment I will not be able to attend the reunion. I wish you every success and look forward to your informative e-mails.
> Regards
> Ross Muller.
Just returned from a stint in Europe to find your June newsletter amongst the mail. Sorry but we wont be able to the make it to the Gold Coast in July as we have commitments in Adelaide at that time. Hope it’s a success and all those attending have a good weekend
Dom and John Hume
Have been off shore a lot lately, driving various stink boats, charter yachts and cargo ships up and down the coast. Am very slack with the e-mails anyway. Good luck to all at the reunion. Sorry we can't make it. We live on our own yacht in Port Douglas at present. Judy and I still together after 38 years!
Anyone coming to Port Douglas, my phone number is 0402370039. Will stop work for a beer and a chat most days if I'm in town!
Regards to everyone
> Hoss Potter
> Just a short note to say I am unable to attend the '05 Gold Coast Reunion.
> The best of luck for a great time
> Regards
> Pete Johnston
Sorry have gone broadband new address, which will be attached when you receive this. I unfortunately will not be able to attend as I have recently changed jobs and am up to my neck in it.
Please keep me on the register and say hi to Checkers Aldridge, Don Churchwood and the other members of Kaiber Division who are able to make it. You could give old Checkers my email address as my new employer is a Queensland based IT developer and am often up in the area.
Once again have a great time and thanks for the info
Nick & Lynda Bryant
Thanks for forwarding newsletters on the reunion,
Sorry I can’t make this one and apologise for late notification
Have been otherwise engaged. I am interested in future reunions.
Thanking You
Don Muller
Thanks for the info on Noel Barker. It is sad and shows how vulnerable we all are. For my part, I have decided to cease work with Navy at the close of business today. It's been a good 42 years but the time has come where I just want to retire and enjoy life.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the reunion this year but maybe the next one.
Ron, please don't send any further e-mails to this address. My home email is tedhase@aol.com
Ted Hase
Sorry it took so long to reply - we had major computer problems.
Unfortunately we are unable to attend the reunion as we are flying out to Thailand on 23 July. I am hoping to attend the Writers Reunion in Adelaide in September.
Good news about Ted Hase. Do you have his Email address so I can catch up with him? Enjoy the Newsletters we get from you.
Jim Harris
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend.
I wish everyone an enjoyable weekend.
Darrel Girvan
Yes I am getting your e-mails - thank you.
But no I will not be going to the reunion this year, sorry for not responding.
Guy Irwin
I sorry if I’m a little slack ... always interested in receiving your e-mails but due to work commitments, reunions are not on the agenda.... Next year. Yes.
Take care and in the not too distance future we shall meet again.
Ronny Gall
I have been getting them but unfortunately I have been away for a while.
Would love to have gone down but will have to wait for another time.
Enjoy yourselves
Selwyn Trott
Sorry mate but I can’t make the July reunion as I will have be in QLD late August
Roy Rigg
Have been waiting to see what is happening with work commitments, unfortunately I won’t be able to make it this time.
Went to Perth in April, had a look around Fremantle and the Nave base, brought back a lot of memories,
Tony Gawne
Sorry, been very flat out of late and not getting much time in the office. Have been receiving your missives, ta muchly. Will not be able to get away this year for the reunion due to commitments.
Chris Neville
I sent you an e-mail about 10 days ago but must have stuffed up the address. I am sorry, Jan and I won't be attending the reunion as I have had a sea change as they say. I retired three years ago at 55 and as Jan had moved to Adelaide with her work. We decided to live in Adelaide and with one thing and another, the move took two years selling up the Darwin property etc. We bought land at Gawler north of Adelaide and went about obtaining plans for the house we wanted. This did not happen, as the builders just didn't want to build our house for a realistic price. We then bought a property of a few acres with the house that ticked all the boxes. The property is on the outskirts of a small village called Freeling 15 kms north of Gawler. Jan then decided that we would have animals and we are now the proud owners of two alpacas, one dog, two pet birds and the chooks are next when I finish the chook run. We are taking up breeding alpacas and I have just finished ploughing the paddocks (small ones thank God), seeding etc. Just waiting for the first shoots to appear. I can't get away at this time, as there are still a number of important projects to finish to get the operation up and running. I just thought I would retire and laz around, boy was I wrong. My apologies for any inconvenience caused.
I was wondering if you could let any of the blokes who live in SA know that I now live there also and would like very much to hear from them. My phone no is 85252324. All the best to all and enjoy the reunion.
Thanks Ron.
Wally Cook.
I had sent a reply saying that I wouldn't be able to make it (must have gotten lost in cyber space). Spoke to Doug Wilson last week about possible early reunion to Leeuwin he's going to have a talk to you about it. Rumours its going to be pulled down soon and turned into water front villas, you may be able to find out if any ex JR's in the west have heard anything, any how have a good time and all the best to every one at the reunion. Wayne Chapman
Would love to but unfortunately won’t make it. However please leave me in the database.
Darryl V. Genrich
Yes I have been receiving your e-mails, they bring back memories of what seems a very long time ago. I have a small farm just south of Perth with a greenhouse currently growing capsicum for the Perth market. At the present moment this puts any idea of a trip (reunion) or holiday far out of reach.
All the best to those at the reunion, I hope you enjoy yourselves as I am sure you know how.
Terry Coulthard
Sorry I didn't reply it just slipped off the email list. We have decided to move to sunny Forster (Canberra winter finally got to us after 20 years) so are in the process of putting the house on the market and exchanging contracts on a villa at Forster. I've been flat out organising house reports and juggling real estate agents wanting house inspections and taking 20 years of accumulated junk to the tip. I don’t think I can make the reunion this month but will definitely come to one before we move. Could you please keep me on the mailing list and remind me, thanks,
Have been holding off until I had some confirmation of my wife's upcoming court case/trial. With my own work I have been seconded to a training position and can't get the time off. Extremely sorry I can't make it but hope that you can pass on my regards to anyone who remembers me. I hope you all have a good time. Perhaps next time if all goes well.
Des Honess
Definitely receiving e-mails. Can't make reunion but please keep me on your distribution.
Peter (Caesar) Owen
Rod will not be attending the reunion, the e-mails are hitting!
Hariet for Rod King
Owing to current developments relating to my professional association with Australian Unity Ltd and subsidiary companies I will not be able to attend the Leeuwin 'Re-Union' in a couple of weeks. The bad timing by predator companies in their bid to take control of Australian Unity has and is to say the least taking up lots of my time which unfortunately includes weekends.
Would you please tender my apologies but certainly keep me in the loop as to future events and meetings at the Catholic Club or other venues as I very much enjoy catching up with you fellas over a few drinks.
Once again I am indeed very sorry I won't be there as first intended. Also....... I got the baseball cap thanks very much.
Warren French (JR1)
received your last a couple of days ago. Unfortunately I’m unable to make it to our next reunion, which is very regrettable. I still have very fond memories of our last reunion and of catching up after all those years. Please pass on my regards to all the boys, I will still be there with you all in spirit. Also Ron please keep me on your mailing list, I thoroughly enjoy receiving all your messages & updates, keep up the good work. Myself my wife Ann our children & grandchildren are all healthy & happy, as I trust are you and yours. Bye for now, have a great reunion, regards to all.
Tony Gysen.
I am going to the greenies reunion in October and can't manage the July one.
Chris Rowland
sorry about not getting back to you sooner as my computer died and I have just got a new one. Anyway unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances I will have to give the reunion a miss but hope to get to a lunch or the next one. Have a great time and I hope to catch up soon.
Mal Ritchie
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I am currently stuck in Port Augusta on the Playford Power Station Refurbishment Project.
It is likely that I will be here for at least another two months so I will not be able to attend this reunion.
Please pass on my apologies to all and that I will see them at the next one
Norm Friebe
Baronage Pty Ltd
Phone 61-3-95619960 Fax 61-3-95619980
Mobile 0418537937
Email nfriebe@bigpond.net.au or norm.friebe@baronage.com
I am very sorry to tell you that my wife and I can no longer come to the reunion. A pressing engagement has just come up and we have to go immediately and will not be back in time for the reunion.
We wish you all the best on the weekend and hope to catch up with you in the near future
Karl Slotboom
Thanks for the offer of a shirt, could you please organise a cap for me and let me know where to send the monies and the total amount required.
Sorry to here about Noel Barker, any word on George Kerr as I believe he was in bad health.
Size of the shirt will be Large, have put a bit of beef on over the years, To you all, enjoy the reunion, I would love to be a fly on the wall to here the bullshit fly, after a few drinks.
David Cargill
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but I have been away from the farm for a time and now with the rains I will be busy planting crops. I am also still hand feeding sheep so unfortunately the reunion is out for me again. It is a real pain as I was looking forward to the get together but like all whingeing farmers it is either to wet or to dry (never bloody happy). Please keep me on your e-mail list, as I would like to keep up with all that takes place at the reunion. If you mention me and anyone wishes to get in touch please feel free to give them my particulars.
Thank you
Bluey Delahunty
Sorry to have not answered your mail.
Unfortunately I am not able to attend the reunion this year.
I am a gymnastics coach and judge here in Port and have had three trips to Sydney and another four in the next few months with courses and competitions. I think one of these trips will coincide with the reunion.
I would however like to meet up with you blokes at some time so I would like to remain on your mailing list.
Bruce Oliver
No mate - I can't make it. After my second wife nearly bankrupted me with her poker machine addiction I now look at both sides of every 5-cent coin. But it gets worse (surely not possible can I hear you say?) The other day I found a burglar in the house when I got home after work. They'd already ransacked the shed and taken all my power & hand tools and the only valuable thing I've got a Malvern Star motorised tricycle built in 1928. The only one ever made (it was a prototype) and left to me by my mother. It's worth really big bucks and the crooks probably don't even know what it is. The motor will probably end up on some kid's skateboard. One of the burglars stayed behind to do over the house and he'd left a shovel, from the shed, near the front door. I grabbed it and started yelling at the prick inside. He was running up and down inside the house like a bee in a bottle and I was following on the outside. Next thing - he bursts through a window next to me. I got showered in broken glass, steeped back a couple of metres so I could take a swing at the bastard with the shovel (I reckon I would have cut him in half) when I found myself looking down the barrel of a gun. Drop it or I'll shoot, he said. Now, some of you may think that those years I spent miss-tasked, as a Stoker in the Combat Information Centre on Perth were a waste of time, will be pleased to know that the intensive training I received there finally bore fruit. In an instant I was able to assess the status of the land/sea/air battle. An overall appreciation indicated that the strategic situation had rapidly deteriorated. A new tactical approach had to be developed immediately. The translation of this is - he had a better weapon than I did. So, the crook pissed off down the street and I got away with my life. I suppose if the navy couldn't kill me then this bloke had no hope. (The feller was about 45) The house and shed was trashed. Now, here comes the mystery. (Even the police are bewildered) The burglar had all my suitcases and carry bags lined up in the hallway fully loaded with booty and ready to go. (They’d already taken one load - this was the second) In the bags were the normal thievable items, cameras, laptop computer, CD's etc but also packed were;
All my jocks, sox & tee-shirts (some very frayed and ready for the rag bin)
Pencils & biros.
Johnsons powder container - half empty.
Tea-light candles (About $2 for 50 in the Reject shop)
Tins of nugget.
Half a roll of fishing line.
A pair of wooden chopsticks.
Worn-out shirts that I wear when mowing the lawn.
Cheap plastic folders ($1 each) full of family photos.
Boxes full of 35mm slides of all my boys when they were young.
Half used tubes of tinea cream.
Well-worn track shoes.
And on and on and on.
If I were having a genuine spring clean I would throw most of it in the shit tin.
Honestly, you wouldn't be able to sell it at a school fete - and people will buy any crap there!
Anyone who can give me (and the Victorian Police) an insight as to what kind of crook we have here would be greatly appreciated.
I just can't see Dolly's pre-loved 'derps fetching much on an E-bay auction site.
If it were raining $20 notes I would get washed down the gutter with a garnishee !!!
Oh yeah - the burglar had the urn with my Old Man's ashes ready to go.
I'd been keeping them 'til I could find a really shitty place to dump them (I hated the bastard)
It brought a wry smile to my face to think that the robber might have thought it was coarse-ground black pepper and sprinkled them on his barbequed chops. That would have been a fitting end to the Old Man. Would have almost made the whole episode tolerable.
Ah well - there's always the Frankston tip.
Regards /
John Gray
Sorry about that I thought that I had notified that I was unable to attend! Yes they are getting thru
(Alan Wilson)
Nev Barry sent an SMS stating he could not make it. Anywhere south of Tully is too cold.
Rod Lamont rang to say he couldn’t make it this year.
Ted Worcester rang several times trying to communicate with other blokes from the West. He also couldn’t make it this year.
Barry McDonnell rang from Tapitallee (or West Camberwarra, a suburb of Nowra), he needs constant access to a dialysis machine and can't organise access on the Gold Coast. He sends his regards and regrets he can't make it but is desperately keen on still receiving the newsletter. Will send me his wife's e-mail address tomorrow.
Will try and get his phone number when he calls, I didn't realise we didn't have it.
It seems decades ago that I last spoke or had any contact with you, in fact 9 July, 1964 - 41 years ago, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then.
I have still maintained a good contact with the services from then. Left in 1983 then eventually joined the RAFR, as it was very appropriate at the time as I was posted to Pakistan in September 1984 until 1987 inclusively. It was very interesting times. My work covered a very broad spectrum to say the least from Embassy employee, Dogs body, United Nations - in fact United Nations High Commission for Refugees which unfortunately gave me a very good insight to the current problems regarding Pakistan and their affiliation with Global events. A later posting to Japan I become involved with the Tiananmen Square situation, indirectly of course but it has also provided me with a good insight with current problems China and the rest of the world is sharing. I must clarify "nothing of a James Bond nature" just as an ex CPOWTR being in the right spot at the right time.
I have been a TPI since 1990 and at present am not enjoying the best of health; accordingly I am unable to attend the Re-union for health reasons.
In answer to your question, I have finally mastered some aspects of the computer but as they say old habits of being a dinosaur (plume and ink) die-hard thus the non-response by email so here is hoping that you receive this reply. I went through the list of surviving members of our intake and it is sad to see that a few are no longer with us but the big "C" and other ailments have no favourites and time waits for no man. Please give everyone my regards and all the best for the re-union. All of you that have been instrumental in the organising and preparation for it are to be commended and I thank you for concern.
NB: If Ted Hase is there tell him good luck with his "travelling", he deserves it and Fiona needs a medal for putting up with the old buggar. I certainly hope the Navy appreciated his protracted input and expertise. I have difficulty in the integration of crews for the ships but Ted and I could never agree on that. It's almost as bad as putting the "Fox in the Hen House".
Once again all the best for the re-union, I will hope to be able to attend the next one.
All the best.
Yours Aye,
G.J. Peers, JP
Sorry I didn't get back to you, but I'am having trouble with this stupid computer. Something to do with the harddrive. It said that the thing was overloaded, and it took hours to down load and it would drop off the net before all the messages came in. Thank God the kids know how to operate these things, as I got the young fellow across the road to look at it for me. It still isn't right, but it sort of works. Thanks for the info on Eric Haggart; I will give him a ring. Listen mate, I don't think I will be down for the do, but maybe I will be able to get down on the Sunday, as long as my XO is home on leave. I am short staffed at the moment, what with one female on the unattached list, another female going back to sea, and my Chief Stoker also going back to sea. I'm nearly watch on stop on at the moment!!!!! That weekend, is the Annual RSL Dinner with Flag party and then sailing on the Sunday. As I said, if the XO is home on time, I might make it, but I can't be sure at the moment. You might just have to put me down for a possible; sorry I can't give you a definite answer. How have you been keeping Ron? I might have to go back in to hospital for another hernia op, as the doctor seems to think that the first one didn’t work properly. Guess what? It was an Indian doctor !!!!! I still get pains down there. Maybe he left some tools in there !! Well mate, I will keep in touch and let you know as soon as possible. Regards to everybody. Pee Wee Petherick.
Have a great time at the reunion. Sorry we won't be there, too many other things on this year. Will be in the cold country skiing instead of soaking up the sun.
Regards, Bristles.
great to hear from you sorry I'm unable to attend. I care for my disabled son and can't get any help. Say G,day to every one for me.
John. Nicholls
Unfortunately I can't make it to the reunion this year.
Thanks for the info anyway Ron. At least I am back on the email list
for further information in future.
Thanks Errol Delaney
BBQ Friday Night

Function and BBQ